Dec 20, 2022 | Meeting Notes | |
Here’s the Problem
Discrimination is the biggest challenge facing women professional surfers in California and globally. Gender discrimination results in the exclusion of cis and trans women from athletic competitions. Women athletes have fewer opportunities to earn prize money and ranking points.
Actual Damages: Gender-based discrimination results in less playing time, fewer competitive opportunities, loss of income, lack of achievement recognition, smaller marketing budgets, fewer sponsorship opportunities, substandard facilities, lack of coaching or no coaching, less or no training, limited or no safety training, second-rate equipment, inadequate healthcare, injuries, and prolonged injury recovery. The list goes on…
Gender discrimination in CA pro sports occurs on public lands, public beaches, public parks, public mountains, public waterways, the Pacific Ocean and public roadways.
Correct gender discrimination and require restitution for lack of pay equity, lack of access and lack of inclusion.
Stop the gatekeeping tactics in pro sports!
Public Sports Facilities: overwhelmingly benefit cis men:
Locker rooms, stadiums, arenas, play fields, tracks, pools, training facilities and so on…
Correct gender discrimination and require restitution for lack of equity in publicly funded sports facilities.
Athlete Training Opportunities: overwhelmingly benefit cis men:
Coaching is largely comprised of cis white men.
We need more women coaches!
Correct gender discrimination and require restitution for lack of equity in coaching.
California’s Pro Sports Pay Equity law AB 467 IS unenforceable
State Lands Commission Example
In 2022, the WSL Championship Tour prize money is not equal because the tour included 32 men and only 16 women. The WSL excludes women from an equal opportunity to compete in the Challenger Series and the Championship Tour and thereby reduces their ability to qualify for the Olympic Games.
On August 29, 2022, Surf Equity sent the California State Lands Commission a letter requesting that they correct gender discrimination by enforcing state lease 6616 and state law (AB 467) by requiring the following as conditions for professional surf competitions within the 6616-lease area:
A women’s division and a men’s division with an identical number of participants in each gendered category and age division
Identical number of competition events/heats in each gendered category and age division
Identical playing time/heat time in each gendered category and age division
Equal prize compensation in each gendered category and age division
Additionally, professional surf competitions should be encouraged to include an equal number of women and men judges and women and men announcers.
To-date, there has been no response from the State Lands Commission.
Half Moon Bay: Equity In Pro Sports Resolution
On Jan 21, 2020, the Half Moon Bay City Council unanimously approved Surf Equity’s suggested resolution supporting equity in professional sports competitions held on city land and roadways.
City of Half Moon Bay Equity in Pro Sports Resolution
Sabrina Brennan drafted a city resolution to expand the new equal pay law to include cities and to close loopholes in California state law AB 467. Brennan worked with city manager Bob Nisbet to require two gendered categories and equal playing time in professional competitions.
Brennan attended the council meeting and provided public testimony in support of the Resolution.
Half Moon Bay is the first and only city in California to adopt an equity in professional sports resolution, and possibly the first city in the nation to require equal pay, inclusion of two gendered categories and equal playing time in all professional competitions held on city property and roadways.
Develop public agency commercial activity permit requirements, event permit requirements and public lands lease agreement requirements that prohibit gender discrimination and are enforced by the State of California.
Athletic performance is influenced by biological and psychological factors as well as environmental factors such as access to healthcare, financial stability, housing security, access to youth sports, family support, transportation and access to training and coaching. We oppose the weaponization of any of these factors to target and attack trans athletes.
We support the following:
In athletics, we support the inclusion of trans women/girls and men/boys in the gendered category that best fits their gender identity.
We support non-binary athletes in the gendered category of their choosing, and look to them as primary resources in decision-making for the future of pro competition that expands beyond the binary of women’s and men’s sports.
In professional sports, we support the inclusion of trans women/girls, trans men/boys and non-binary athletes in gendered divisions that best match their gender identity.
On Aug 9, 2022, Surf Equity published this on our website and social media accounts.